Partners in KIND.
Dear Community,
Many nights, for many years, we would sit together and speak about the work we feel called to do in the world. We would speak about our deepest longings, our frustrations, our tendencies, our uncertainties, our privilege, our visions. And we would always circle around the same themes.
Most often, a deep love for humanity.
Quite often, an aching frustration with the conditions of harm, inequity, racism and damage that define a great deal of our modern world. Asking hard questions, trying to be as self-honest as possible.
What locks us together is a longing to embody the principles we teach . . or they are empty.
We feel called to constantly search for real ways to bring the values we hold most sacred — loving-kindness; compassion; generosity; honesty; moderation; constancy —into form, into action, into tangible projects that work against the forces of inequity and oppression that we witness daily.
The Gabriel Foundation is not here to save but to contribute, to empower, to connect loving, generous hearts to direct impact and compassionate action. To forge meaningful connections and create a network of dedicated individuals and organizations.
The Foundation is a living entity. We, the founders, are simply the usher.
She will shift, evolve and grow as we do, and we are honored be on this journey with you.
In Collaborative Service,
Hector & Deborah
photo by Paige McFall