I Bambini Dharma : Cot Purchase for Maternity Hospital

Our Contribution : €19,520

Gabriel Global helped to sponsor the purchase of 36 cots (we specifically purchased 18) with I Bambini Dharma — an association in Brescia, Italy.

These were donated to Neonatology division of the ASST Spedali Civili of Brescia.

They are special neonatal cradles on wheels for rooming-in and co-sleeping. This saves the new mothers who must stay in hospital (who are often post-surgery or in tremendous pain / discomfort) the hassle and danger of getting up to care for their new-born baby or the risk of crushing or falling on the newborn.

There is a tremendous amount of research that shows the benefit of physical contact and co-sleeping in the days just after a baby is born.


Baobab Experience : Van Purchase